One of my practical ideas at the beginning of the project was to design a zine. I think it would be an appropriate method of compiling the information I want to give to young people, whilst also maintaining the quality of the illustrations. 

From my map development, I really liked this design as a logo and thought it would work here also. The modern design works effectively for my target audience as well as the themes discussed in the zine. The serif typeface has been made taller and narrower to reflect the height of some of the buildings.

I wanted to use the inverted photographs from my initial ideas for the zine and keep the zine entirely black and white. This allowed for the structural details to be highlighted and added a visual complexity to the images. 

I chose to do an A5 a side zine so that it is accesible on the go and with it being a paper zine, the more compact, the less likely it will be damaged and creased. Even though these are small dimensions, the clarity of the illustrations and text are still very clear and now less crowded. 

This is a divider page and I have no idea what I am going to do with it yet. I did show Charys and she thought this would work as it is. I do not like the typesetting and want to try and make it more interesting. 

I really wanted to keep to the one column of text but, it would mean removing a lot of informative text. The reason I chose the one-column typesetting was to resemble the tall towers usually associated with gothic architecture.  

I used the developed markers from my map idea to create a visual diagram (more as an illustration than a navigational tool). I used a scroll pen line design to mimic the curvilinear arches of gothic architecture. 

I am feeling much more confident with this format for my design. It lets me convey the information as well as the collation of imagery. I am aware that this is a very minimal design in contrast to the extravagant Gothic architecture this project is focusing on. However, I want the zine to have a modern and sleek design to draw the attention by young people in Leeds. Nevertheless, I would like to add some finer details to elevate the themes discussed. 


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