• Some of the colours used in the logos did not translate well to the labels so I had to tweak a few to make it all work coherently. All of the hues and tones are in a similar muted colour scheme to give the audience a sense of calm and relaxation. 
  • We had been discussing what sort of slogan to have besides the logo and this just made sense. Especially with the fun names that we had previously given the teas 
  • The name of the teas is much smaller because this is meant to show the branding whereas the label focuses on the flavour 
  • The Hotshots were a more last-minute addition that followed the same design and layout as the label. I did think about them just being random unknown flavours however, It would have only been an easier option not necessarily the best 

  • The labels used the same colour scheme as the corresponding logo design 
  • The digitally painted illustrations by the artists in this collaboration were the focal elements of the label, displaying the individual ingredients in each tea
I believe the designs met the brief because we managed to design a brand and packaging design for a proposed herbal tea brand. The packaging is also sustainable and low impact which was the biggest goal for our collaboration. Obviously, the jars were not made by us but provided the perfect mock-up for the proposed packaging design. 


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