• During the development of the record sleeve design, I had made this decayed label with the genre logo on it. Straight away I thought it would make a good tag on our beanie
  • I asked Bradley what he thought and he suggested adding his frame design to the brim of the hat, red on the outside and purple on the inside (so it is reversible)

  • I tried what Bradley had suggested and the outcome looked interesting. There are not many beanie's that I have seen that have so much design on them so, I hope this will make it stand out
  • We discussed this design again and decided to revise the large label and widen the banner so it filled the majority of the brim 
  • We both preferred this design to the others and it emphasises the flower being the logo but not the actual design
  • Bradley wanted me to try and make the label wrap around the brim. This would look tidier and probably work better for the reverse side 
  • This was the end result, I like how the designs show the brand identity without having to place the exact design onto them from the record sleeve
  • It was extremely difficult to mock up and look somewhat real but, I think this works okay 


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