Drop Dead is a brand associated with the lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon, Oliver Sykes. The brand is completely separate from the band however, the aesthetic and personality are within both the music and the clothing. Most fans of the band will buy an item from Drop Dead as well as the typical 'band tee', to support the band. It also gains a following from people who do not listen to the band and acts as promotional material from its association with the frontman. 

The content released on Drop Dead's social media is not dissimilar to that of the band and Oliver himself's socials. This allows for a lot of freedom with the design because it does not have to associate with the band because that connection has already been established. Incidentally, the band's merchandise is very varied and considered which could be explained by Oliver's experience with the fashion industry. 

I said to Bradley that this is how we should approach our merchandise (especially the tees). I do not want the designs to just be different regurgitations of the same design but, something unique that works across all the deliverables but also as separate designs. 


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