Some source images of St Micheals in Headingley, noticeable pointed arches and pinnacles around the site.

Found some examples of Gothic Architecture around small villages (not famously Gothic but, still examples of the presence of Gothic Architecture)

Charys lives near Leeds Minster and sent me these photographs (my favourite Gothic Building in Leeds), this is by far the best example, in this location.

These statues were at a garden centre but, I thought they were a good imitation of the gargoyles present in many gothic buildings. The images may be used as a reference for the practical stage of the project.

These photographs are of buildings I have spotted that show example key features of Gothic architecture. Once again a good source for a range of examples. 

This collection of images is of the Grade I listed building, Chapel of St Mary The Virgin in Clumber Park (Notts). It is an excellent example of Gothic architecture and although I am focusing my project of the Gothic buildings of Leeds, I wanted to use this as a reference. It includes all the key elements of the Gothic Style and still stands tall today. Even the ornate decoration has remained crisp and detailed. 


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