• Raw studios - Company is called RAW after his initials 
  • He made a personal branding device that was a raw meat pack filled with promotional material 
  • He started his career working for a small design studio and found that he learnt more from that experience because it meant he had more engagement and a more important role than he would have in a larger studio.
  • Set up his studio in Salford, which they had spent time making into an amazing creative space. His friend painted a large mural across one of the walls, they had a bear carved out of wood in one corner and then a fireman's pole. A place where creativity could flourish. 
  • had a large bear carving, mural and fireman's pole 
  • There was a time where he and his business partner had planned to expand, across the country and abroad then later sell. However, Rob decided that plan is not what he wanted for his business or career.
  • He bought his partner out and became the sole leader of the studio of ten staff. It came later that he realised that working long hours most days of the week, having to manage a large team and being obligated to remain in the location of his studio, just was not what he wanted to remain doing. 
  • He and his wife decided to downsize from a ten-person team to just the two of them. Building their own bespoke studio in the attic of their house and only working 2-3 days a week. Since that change he said he has never felt so free. 
  • Without the restrictions of the studio and having to manage a team meant that he could go abroad, work whatever hours, basically he designed his career and free time. In doing so, he has become more productive, achieved more and is far happier. 
  • Everything he has said today really resonated with me. I end up forcing myself to work every single day to get things done and it leads to a full week of procrastination, exhaustion and just a lack of motivation. 
  • I also want the ability to travel without having anything holding me back, especially with how beneficial travelling is to not only my mental health but, my design work too. 
  • Rob also spoke of how he has adopted a more minimalist lifestyle which he applies to his creative space and his digital space. It is something that I have done for the past year or two and benefits me greatly in staying organised in my work. Also, it helps keep focused if the space around me is not cluttered. 


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