• I had really struggled before to bring our abstract designs for each symptom together. With the new style, it was easier to apply the type and colour palette. 
  • I tried a few styles of the assets we had designed across a few of the pages. The front cover remained minimal, I did not feel it necessary to overdesign it and ultimately disrupt the uniformity. 
  • The black and white were very stark compared to the emotion and support cards so, I used the logo to add a hint of colour to each page. I also like how it ties each symptom together. As mentioned previously, a lot of the symptoms overlap or become a result of another so I felt that the arrows helped show this. 
  • I did like the inconsistency of the text layout however, it would not conform to the rest of the kit and may become lost in the abstract design below it. 
  • To make the concertina to work, there had to be an equal amount of pages but there are 9 symptoms. Even when I added a front and back page, the sides would be an odd number so, I added a page next to the front cover that would have a list of useful links to access.


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