• Raisa and I decided to go with the central composition for the text as it fell more in-line with both sets of cards in the kit. It also kept the continuity so it looked like part of the kit still.
  • I had to tweak a few of the abstract designs as the text bubbles were covering a few of the more detailed parts of the patterns 
  • For symptom 008 and 009, we both changed those because we had better ideas now after seeing all of the designs together
  • We had chosen in the beginning to design the 'rage' together and it was not until now that we started designing it. Using the coral colour from the logo, we distorted black shapes to end up with this strange smashed mirror looking pattern. The arrow from the logo was also distorted to cause further chaos on the page
  • The second page of the zine has the general definition of borderline personality disorder and the final page will have the useful links listed


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