• We first discussed the videos and how odd they all were 
  • Suggestions around movement, change, interaction and a 90's theme were mentioned 
  • I explained how the only links I could really tie between the videos was colour and shapes 
  • The group were unsure of how we move forward because the videos were quite difficult to understand  
  • When it came to discussing everyone's initial ideas, we all had quite different approaches 
  • Hussaine had some very playful ideas that really explored this idea of play which the group and I thought worked effectively for this brief 
  • Isobel brought up the idea of shapes again, using them to form a typeface that would fall apart across each poster. Referring the idea to how children use woodblock shapes to make something, to figure something out, similar to us trying to understand the videos
  • from this Hussaine suggested we looked into using three-dimensional tesselations 
  • All of our sketches and visuals were saved onto a shared folder on Google Drive, which we referred to over video call and messages
  • From that discussion the shape idea was solidified, using a similar approach to what I had done earlier, we were going to make shapes from the videos and form three-dimensional tesselations and work from there
  • After that, we decided to work individually again and come back for further discussion tomorrow once we all had more visuals
  • Bradley also mentioned he had been experimenting with the concept of "play" rather than the videos themselves 


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