• The group really liked the videos with the glitch effect so we will definitely be carrying on with that concept 
  • I asked about the legibility of the type and whether the glitch should be every now and then or continue glitching the entire video
  • The group said they preferred the idea of the glitch continuing throughout, the caption will display the rest of the information
  • Out of all the poster development from the others, we said that Ryan's were the most engaging and would go with the social media videos really well
  • However, we actually thought the black poster (to the right) was the best and most effective for the brief 
  • But, the videos have a white background, so Hussaine and I sort to edit that and develop the videos further 
  • As for the flyer, I was aware we still had to make a start on it and that we were running out of time 
  • I suggested that Bradley and Olivia have a go at the leaflet as Ryan, Hussaine and I were working on the posters and social media posts 
  • I had an idea for the layout of the flyer, so I drew a thumbnail for Bradley and Olivia in case they were stuck for ideas. The second image is just an example to explain what I mean in my drawing


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