• Based on trends I have seen today, I tried taking photographs using adaptive filters 
  • I wanted to make these into a sort of Augmented reality experience, however, I tried using Adobe Aero to do this and it did not look great and I would prefer taking scenery shots instead of myself
  • However, I think the colours from these photos would be good to apply to another design

  • I tried the same sort of effects on these photographs of band, Bring Me The Horizon (not taken by me), I was hoping they would give me some more inspiration as after doing my essay research, I am stuck where to take the practical project 
  • The effects are just a gradient layer of forest green and coral (both quite muted) and how it affected the photograph when changed to different layer options, the first being an overlay, second is colour dodge and lastly difference
  • I took the colours from their latest album in aim to bring the musicians and the design for their music together. Solidifying the relationship between design and music 
  • I liked the outcomes but still unsure how these would be applied to an idea, however, I could expand on the idea I mentioned above and possibly include illustrations or image manipulation? 

Bring Me The Horizon's Post Human: Survival Horror album cover

  • So to further develop from the edited photographs, I tried using a similar illustration style as the album cover used. 
  • This design looked quite rough compared to the original album design, but I did not want it to look the exact same. I liked how this turned out but, I am not sure where I would take them next. Possibly a lookbook? A publication dedicated to music maybe? 
Metallica's Ride The Lightning album cover

The Weekend's After Hours album cover

  • I tried doing the same with both the Metallica album cover and The Weekend's. They were not as developed as my first attempt, however, the colours I had used worked. 
  • If I was to expand on this I would try and illustrate the other two better. 


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