• So after the critique and further reflection, I have decided to design an app for streaming music that uses the lumeti scope videos. 
  • I listed elements I would need to design for the app mockup, first would be a logo which I started designing straight away. The logo is the identity of the project, it needed to represent the scope videos and later be iterated into the app design.  
  • The prominent colours in the videos were red, green and blue, which I tried to replicate into the logo design. I also liked how the stripes in some of the logo designs, reminded me of the bulk pack design of the cassette tape. 
  • Nevertheless, I accidentally make a vibrant colourful shape when trying the effects in Adobe Photoshop (bottom second image). It has a futuristic and transformative appearance however, the colours do not match that of the lumeti scopes which are disappointing. I am struggling to change the colour but, I can try developing another one of my initial sketches instead. 


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