In the critique, I showed a video of the lumeti scopes, some illustrations and the vinyl animations. 

  • The lumeti scope video is immersive and interesting to look at. Makes you want to engage with it. 
  • Good idea for the current Covid- 19 situation. Allows us to be human again for a few minutes rather than seeing just devastation and isolation. 
  • Has cinematic synaesthesia. 
  • A new and alternative way of experiencing music. 
  • Links very well to research. 
I am really happy with the comments and has given me more confidence to experiment more with the lumeti scopes. I had explained my plans to project it and the group agreed that it would make sense for that to be the next step. That alone would not be a complete practical project so, I still need to think of a way to do that. Maybe through an app? Like a projection streaming service? 


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