• Using illustrator, I started laying out what the app page designs would look like. Obviously, I am only designing the pages and not the entire app and code for it. 
  • I have more of an idea now of what the apps function will be and how it will incorporate the lumeti scopes. I looked over my essay and research, this gave me the idea of getting the app to recreate a similar experience to having to go to the shop to buy albums. So, with this app, it will have a QR code scanner that the user will have to use to collect songs. 
  • The codes will be printed on posters distributed across Leeds (as I am focusing on university students as my target audience). Once a person has scanned the code and collected the song, they must suggest a song so that the code is constantly changing. 
  • I am confident this idea answers my essay question and provides another approach to designing for music. 
  • It will help motivate people to go out on walks and enjoy the parks around Leeds, remove the computer-generated recommendations that usually come with streaming services and adds a more human touch by engaging in the community. Especially in a time like now where people can't socialise or enjoy the normal day to day interactions. 
  • This led me to add the scanner on the menu so, they can open up the app, scan the code and save the song. The listen to option, is very much akin to Spotify in the fact you just listen to the audio. 
  • The experience option will allow the user to project/ airplay the lumeti scope of the music video. That is also why I included a shop page so, that a projector can be bought specifically for the app. 
  • The second image is just to outline the transitions to each page so I had a plan to animate it later.


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