• Radiohead design a Virtual reality experience where the listeners can use and manipulate the VR in a natural environment
  • Poly fauna meaning triangular shapes/ atmospheres and plants 
  • It allows the user to engage with music and design together in a unique way. Using the tool to also explore the outdoors rather than being stuck inside on a screen. It is like a microcosm for what the music industry has become with the beginning of streaming services 
  • Is a good idea as to how I could create something to strengthen the relationship between music and design and its audience 
The colours and shapes are really interesting and it does make you want to interact with it. Even though it appears simple, the shapes move in a dynamic way to fit the environment it is targeted at and the song playing. This is the sort of thing I was thinking at the beginning of the project and this really is pushing me in that direction. However, I want to try and think of something else that could be applied to all music. 


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