• An app that aims to spotlight musics unsung heroes, the faces behind the amazing guitar riff or the person behind the mixing track on a song
  • What the app does is syncs with whatever streaming service you are using to see the music you are listening to, from that it generates these "constellations" the blue ones being the artists you like and are aware of and the yellow being the unsung heroes.
  • It then allows people to get in contact with these unsung heroes so they can gain more recognition and play as solo artists rather than under the shadows of the greats 
I like this as an idea but, it has a very specific focus. I was thinking of an app that would work alongside a streaming service such as Spotify. Obviously, my own design would have more of a focus on the relationship between music and design rather than artists and listeners.

Stevenson, J. B. (2016) INTRSTLR. Medium.Available at: (Date accessed 28th October)


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