
Showing posts from December, 2020


There may seem a lot of work missing from my design boards that are on my blogs, I chose to put the most relevant information on my design boards so that they could be concise and clear. The key elements of each section have been highlighted in the design boards. The rest is on here.


As there was no primary research undertaken for this project, there was no need for any ethical considerations for involving participants. However, if the app design was to become a real working app available for people to download, there were many to consider. The app is an iteration of a music streaming service, like most it would have the ability to play music. People who struggle with a hearing impairment will not be able to fully enjoy the music being played, however, the lumetri scopes provide visuals of the songs that are meant to reflect the sounds being played. The purpose of the projections was primarily to further the experience when listening to music and might actually help someone in this position that they would not usually find with a typical streaming service.  Another ethical consideration that can be applied to this project is the monitoring of song suggestions. The app (if made into an actual product) would have an age restriction on it with proof of ID needed to ma


  ESSAY TITLE: HOW HAS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GRAPHIC DESIGN, MUSIC AND ITS AUDIENCE CHANGED, SINCE THE ADVANCEMENT OF STREAMING SERVICES? AUTHOR: TIA NEWTON TOTAL WORDS: 5454 Without bibliography and list of illustrations 6412 with The focus of this research examines the relationship between design for music and its audience. Like all forms of human communication, music has been around for thousands of years. In contrast, graphic design came much later in the early 1920s, when typographic designer William A. Dwiggins first coined the name graphic design (Ellis, M. 2017). However, graphic design principles have been around for an extremely long time. Its visual language, the legibility of typography, glyphs and symbols and grid systems, just were not regarded as a recognised discipline until later. Nevertheless, both music and design came together and made music what it is today. Many elements have contributed to such a relationship, the musicians and designers involved, the industri